Monday, July 11, 2011

And So It Begins . . .

Well, I started this blog three years ago and have written nothing. I guess I am just not a writer, but I have decided to give it a go even if nobody ever reads this but me.

Life is a tiny bit crazy with four kiddos and a husband in school. I have been working two jobs for the past year and let me tell you, that is something I never want to have to do again. My fingernails will probably never forgive me for all the chewing they received! I can say with great happiness that my fingernails have gone unchewed for almost three weeks now. That must mean my stress level is down a tad bit. All the kids are in California with there grandparents so I am sure that is helping too.

Unfortunately my parenting stress levels remains the same even with the kids gone as I am constantly worried about Love Angel #3. He is has serious defiance issues when is doesn't get his way or has to do something that is not on his adgenda. I took him to a counselor, only twice so far, and she seems to think it is all stemming from ADHD. I really don't know what the deal is but this boy is going to be the death of me if I don't figure out something fast. And of course, his behavior is rubbing off on all the other Angels in the house. We are supposed to work with him on coping behaviors for when he is feeling frustrated or angry. I think I am the one in need of coping behaviors. That boy can press every single button I have within a five minute period. Then he will be sweet and gentle with "yes mommy", "no mommy", "I love you mommy". AHHHHHH

So what is my coping behavior at this point? Pray, pray, pray and read every parenting book I can get my hands on.


Mom of 12 said...

I've found that I can get rid of lots of stress by sharing stuff on my blog. All those stories that just pile up in my brain? Now they exist in cyberspace...

Shauna said...

New here! Hope you will come visit and follow me back :) Shauna from